HENSOLDT donates 7,500 euros to Die Tafel

(From left) Chairman of the site works council Thomas Hoepfner, Deputy Chairwoman of the Friedrichshafen food bank Elke Rumpf, Chairman of the Markdorf food bank Günther Wieth, HENSOLDT HR site manager Nicole Poppe

Immenstaad/Germany, 28 February 2023 – The Immenstaad site of sensor specialist HENSOLDT is supporting the Tafel charities in Friedrichshafen and Markdorf with an amount of 3,750 euros each. HENSOLDT HR site manager Nicole Poppe and works council chairman Thomas Hoepfner presented a symbolic cheque on behalf of the workforce to the deputy chairwoman of the Friedrichshafen food bank, Elke Rumpf, and Günther Wieth, chairman of the Markdorf food bank. The amount is largely made up of donations from HENSOLDT employees, the works council, the human resources department and the company management.

Traditionally, at the HENSOLDT site in Immenstaad, donations were collected for charitable purposes at the annual Christmas party. The employees were able to vote in a survey where donations should be made. With a large majority, the decision this year was made in favour of the Tafeln in Friedrichshafen and Markdorf.

"We are absolutely overwhelmed by the amount of donations after our appeal before Christmas. A total of 1,250 euros was collected from our employees. We would like to express our sincere thanks to all donors," says Thomas Hoepfner.

The donation was raised to a total of 7,500 euros by the Executive Board. More and more people are dependent on the support of the Tafel. Refugees from Ukraine or other countries, but also citizens who, due to rising energy costs and inflation, are forced to look for alternatives to ensure basic provisions for themselves and their families. "In crisis-ridden times like these, the Tafel are more dependent than ever on donations from companies or private individuals," says Günther Wieth, Chairman of the Tafel Markdorf.

HENSOLDT is aware of its responsibility towards society. That is why the company is involved locally in humanitarian initiatives to improve the living conditions of fellow human beings.

"The growing queue of customers in front of the Tafel shops shows us the need of many people every day. It is a positive experience that so many citizens, companies and institutions now support us in our Tafel work with donations of food or money, otherwise we would even have to close down in the worst-case scenario," says Elke Rumpf from the Tafel Friedrichshafen.


HENSOLDT is a leading company in the European defence industry with global reach. Based in Taufkirchen near Munich, the company develops complete sensor solutions for defence and security applications. As a technology leader, HENSOLDT drives the development of defence electronics and optronics and is continuously expanding its portfolio based on innovative approaches to data management, robotics and cyber security. With more than 6,500 employees, HENSOLDT achieved a turnover of 1.7 billion euros in 2021. HENSOLDT is listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange.

Press contact

Lothar Belz
Phone: +49 (0)731.392.3681

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