National secure mode solution
The challenge
The nations of today’s multipolar world require independent command-and-control technologies to identify friend or foe (IFF) in combat. These technologies use transponders that listen for an interrogation signal before sending a response that identifies the sender. Ideally, IFF technology should be based on sovereign capabilities.
Sovereign nations in a combat setting and posture require a capability that allows military and civil air traffic control interrogation systems to identify aircraft, vehicles or forces as friendly (as opposed to neutral or hostile), and to determine their bearing and range from the interrogator.
Our solution
Nations engaged in or seeking to avoid combat require IFF technologies that reflect their own sovereign interests and can provide secure, reliable, interoperable information to prevent incidents of fratricide during operations.
The HENSOLDT IFF National Secure Mode (NSM) is a turn-key, state-of-the-art, comprehensive, nationwide solution that includes IFF crypto-computers, key generation, distribution and management.
Its Key Authentication & Management Unit (KAMU) generates national IFF keys, performs system administration tasks and manages the secure distribution of IFF keys.
At the local database level, the Key Authentication & Management Satellite (KAMS) receives IFF keys from the KAMU and forwards them to the Key & Time Loader (KTL) before transferring national IFF keys to Crypto Secure Mode (KSM), for loading.

Features and benefits
- Integrates customised, proprietary cryptographic algorithms developed by the national user
- Prevents fratricide by ensuring appropriate interoperability between all national forces
- IFF message encryption/decryption, IFF algorithm customisation by national user
- IFF key generation, key and time management
- 4 LRU open architecture
- HENSOLDT Crypto Secure Mode, compatible with all types of hosts for all types of crypto
- Easy change of KSM, e.g. from NATO crypto to HENSOLDT NSM crypto
- For secure IFF interrogations
- Turn-key system
- ITAR-free
- Ensures appropriate interoperability between national forces, thus reducing friendly fire incidents and improving overall tactical and operational decision making
- Compatible with all Mk XIIA host equipment: airborne, naval, ground radar station and air defence systems
- HENSOLDT as your partner for technology transfer and production, including training; electronic, mechanical and software design; protection of national autonomy and algorithms; KSM assembly and in-country programming using sovereign production capabilities