ERS Simulator

Training Tool



  • Overlay vector data layers on camera feed
  • Streets, addresses and customizable points of interest
  • Overlay camera feed on a synthetic imagery background
  • Camera target information
  • Marker function


The Simulator includes all functions of the ERS and can be used on Windows computers. Training sessions with the simulator shall improve the handling of the ERS during a mission.


  • Nearly all functionalities of the ERS are available
  • Get prepared to handle all types of scenarios and situations
  • Train and test system configurations at any time
  • Use mission data from the ERS for post mission review and analysis
  • Supports various operating system (Microsoft© Windows 7,8 & 10, Microsoft© Windows© XP)

Main Benefits

The ERS Simulator software together with a USB‐compatible Control Unit (CLN) can be used as training software respesctive for training purposes or in order to test different settings prior the implementation in the aircraft installed system.

Product Impressions

Product Impressions

Product Impressions

Product Impressions

Product Impressions
